“Stories stick
and inspire change.”

I love to talk.

I also love to tell stories. Stories stick and if they’re relatable, they’re more effective at inspiring change than corporate speak or platitudes.

I believe my story can inform your story. Along these lines, this site provides resources for you, including:

- The quarterly DEH Speaker Series that is livestreamed and recorded
- The podcast, Inspiration Loves Company - Download to enjoy
- Events where I speak professionally in the US and abroad
- Popular speaking topics and articles I've authored
- Information about our consulting and communication coaching services
- Press features, video clips and highlights of our work
- The DEH network and how to join to receive links to writings, events, press features, job opportunities, and future happenings

If you like what you see, perhaps you’ll recommend me as a speaker at an event you’re hosting or hire me for a consulting engagement or as a communication coach where you or a colleague need help. Most of all, I hope the information you find here will motivate you to make things better for you and those around you. I also hope you enjoy your stay, let me know what you think, and come back to visit often.

For 25 years, I’ve focused on three major areas:

Debbie Epstein Henry

Speaker, Consultant & Communication Coach

Hi. I’m a lawyer turned speaker, consultant, author, and communication coach with expertise in careers, women, workplace dynamics, and law. For 25 years, I’ve advised clients and spoken at private retreats, public venues, and conferences. My international work has brought me to wonderful places including Paris, Madrid, Vienna, The Hague, Lisbon, London, and more. I’ve also been fortunate to have hundreds of news outlets feature my work including The New York Times, NBC Nightly News, The Wall Street Journal, and, National Public Radio. Among my favorite things to do is host the DEH Speaker Series and the podcast, Inspiration Loves Company, where I invite thought leaders to explore how to do and be better at life, work, and everything in between. I also enjoy consulting to companies and firms on challenges they’re facing and coaching clients on how to improve their public speaking skills and communicate with confidence. I’m a member of the Brooklyn Law School Board of Trustees and past President of The Forum of Executive Women. My husband and I are married 30 years and we have three grown sons.

Read my bio


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    "It’s truly rewarding to go beyond talking about change and instead, facilitating new ways to deliver it."